I have an obsession. It is weird, but I am drawn to this simple design. The one above is available at
Miss Print and the one below is
Ray and Charles Eames studio. I just love the way it looks. I can't explain it.
At one time I thought it might be interesting to paint this image on our dining room wall. I talked myself out of that idea. I thought my adult dining room could end up looking more like a dorm room or worse folk art (no offense). Kinda like when you see a celebrity dressed really badly on the red carpet, but then you think about being in their shoes for a moment and (for a split second) can see how they had that unfortunate moment with the stylist who said and made them actually believe "you look wonderful. You will turn heads" and they believed it. I then feel sorry for the celebrity cause you can tell that it only dawns on them on the red carpet how ridiculous they look and they have to grin and bare it!
I can Soooo relate not that I have ever been shopping with a stylist, but I have been sucked in by good music, air conditioning and elongating mirrors in a fitting room that I buy that ridiculous item at the store that is not quite the same when I put it back on in my stale bedroom without any music the next day--but I digress.
So as much as I LOVE this design I still have done nothing with it cause I don't want to be so literal.
~And a while back I came across this
image and I was so mad (why didn't I think of this) cause in the early 90's (when everyone was doing it) my friends wanted to get tattoos together, but I just couldn't think of anything that meant that much to me or would stay with me long enough to brand on my body (did I mention I HATE needles--Last week while the nurse was drawing my blood I think she was afraid --for good reason-- she had a fainter on her hands). If I was going to get a tattoo I knew it would have to be some kind of a design (no ridiculous rosebuds), but I was so afraid I would really hate it down the road. Spending the rest of my life with a horrendous tattoo that would eventually fade and morph with age. A lovely thought.
Although now that I have been drawn to mid twentieth century design for so long it would not have been so bad if I had a 16 year old tattoo of this Eames design.
Oh well my catholic parents are probably happier I did not brand myself!